1757-Nov 27, 1821












Entire folded letter endorsed for pre-payment "Franca a la mano", mailed from Panamá to Guayaquil, Ecuador and struck with superb strike of contracted PANAMÁ handstamp in brown. The entire thanks the addressee for the receipt of 5'000 pesos and urges the prompt payment of the rest of the debt. The first Spanish Period postmark of Panama. This is the oldest Colonial Period letter from Panama.


Last Known Location Fritt-Water Lannge Collection

Feb 19, 1777


Santiago Nuñez


Galeria Filatelica of Barcelona

29 June 2004

lot 1033



Sep 27, 2013

lot 4302



Dec 4, 2018

Lot 1501


Stamps of PANAMA





REGISTRO DE EMBARQUE del Paquebot Nuestra Sra. de los Dolores circulado desde PANAMA a GUAYAQUIL. Marcas en el frente PANAMÁ y FRANCA y firma manuscrita del Administrador de Correos de Panamá ´Bernabe´, indicando que había cobrado el porte de ´18´ reales. Defectos habituales en la envuelta. PIEZA EXCEPCIONAL, se trata del Registro de Embarque mas antiguo conocido de America Central y del Sur y uno de los poquisimos conocidos durante el periodo Colonial Español. Ship's register envelope of the packet boat "Nuestra Señora de los Dolores", following the maritime route from Panama to Guayaquil, very attractively handstamped by Italic "Panamá." & "Franca." postmarks in red, rated "18" reales in manuscript which were paid by the sender, as per postal rules for this document, and postal clerk's signature in centre. Small portions of back flaps lacking, some wrinkles and closed vertical tear, of no significance for this, the only ship's register cover recorded emanating from Panama





Soler y Llach


Feb 15, 1995



May 28, 2004

Lot 1237


May 17, 2017

Spink Lot 202





Undated folded letter with black "PANAMÁ" postmark, to Cartagena, Colombia". Same marking as that of 1777 dated letter.

ca, 1777


Lorenzo Maxin


Soler & Llach


19 Jun 1991

lot 4418






Red straigh Line h.s. PANAMÁ on folded letter 1788ca entire to Camilo Torres, Santa Fe (Bogota) m.s. "16 ½" rate, entire restored in center, FINE strike, in 1978 DeVoss believed it was the earliest recorded until recently when the 1777 letters were found. Earliest recorded with this straight marking.

Mar 7, 1788


Camilo Torres

Santa Fe

Sotheby Parke Bernet

Oct 25, 1978

lot 2149


Soler y Llach

Nov 8, 2004

lot 230





Envuelta de PANAMA a CADIZ. Marca lineal PANAMÁ.

ca 1800


Juan Josse de La Presilla



Soler y Llach


Nov 8, 2004

lot 232





Via Panamá, FRONTAL con parte del dorso circulada de VENEZUELA a GUATEMALA. Marca estampada en tránsito PANAMÁ, indicación manuscrita ´Del Capitan General de Maracaibo y tasa manuscrita "7 1/2" reales.


ca 1800


Cabildo de la Ciudad, Guatemala

Soler y Llach Mar 10, 1998

Lot 2034

Nov 8, 2004 Lot 231





Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ FRANCA on folded letter to Camilo de la Torre, Santa Fe, 30 Agosto 1807.


Ago 30, 1807


Camilo de la Torre

Santa Fe

Soler y Llach


May 8, 2000

Lot 2764





PANAMA a SANTA FE. Carta completa con texto. Marcas PANAMÁ y VYVA FERNANDO 7 Marca patriotica. Carta excepcional y extraordinariamente rara. Rata doble por ¾ de onza "5" reales a mano. NOTA: En 1809 as Tropas Francesas invadieron Espaòa, el Rey D. Fernando VII fue capturado y encerrado en prision. Muchas de las entonces colonias de America estamparon en las cartas fracesas patrioticas de apoyo al Rey de Espana. 1809 June 30.


PANAMA to SANTA FE. Entire letter. PANAMÁ and VYVA FERNANDO 7 patriotic. Very rare. Rated "5" reales in manuscript for a double letter under ¾ ounce in weight. NOTE: In 1809 Spain was invaded by French Army and King Fernando VII imprisoned. In several former Spanish colonies of America, patriotic marks were handstamped on thefront of the letters to support the King.

Jun 30, 1809


Camilo Torres

Santa Fe

Soler y Llach


12 Oct 2000

lot 249



Feb 27, 2013

lot 4265



Dec 4, 2018

Lot 1505







Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ on folded letter to Señor Don Miguel Pizano, Lima (Peru) m.s. "4 1/2" rate, FINE strike, June 19, 1811, delivered by "Paquebot Carmen."


Jun 19, 1811


Señor Don Miguel Pizano, Lima



8 Sep 2003

lot 2949157672






Via Panamá, London, England to Lima, Peru, and Guayaquil, Ecuador.  Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ on folded letter to Señor Don Santiago Rodriguez y Martinez m.s. "4 1/2" rate, FINE strike, November 19, 1811


Nov 19, 1811


Señor Don Santiago Rodriguez y Martínez


Soler y Llach

Feb 4, 1999

Lot 2592

Nov 8, 2004

Lot 233

Oct 24, 2005

1 Jul, 2008

Lot 819





Via Panamá, London, England to Lima, Peru. Straight Line PORTVLO of Portovelo (COLON). One of 2 covers known with this marking during the colonial period, this one being the one with the most clear marking.


Nov 19, 1811


Don Señor Santiago Rodriguez y Martínez


Soler y Llach

Feb 4, 1999

Lot 2593

May 28, 2004

Lot 1238





Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ on 22 May, 1813. It is two sheets of paper folded together. You can see the address and also the docketing by the sender which includes the date. The PANAMA strike is rather faint - it was done in red. There is a slight hole and tear in the back of the outer sheet, which does not affect the contents. Otherwise it is in quite good condition for its age. It is the only colonial Panama cover sent to Havana. Ex-DeVoss


May 22, 1813


Clemente y Charo



23 Oct 1978

lot 2150



Feb. 2006

Lot 167





PORTOVELO (Later COLON) to PANAMA. Entire letter with red PORTVLO handstamp. Originated from Portovelo and addressed to Panama, no indication of rate but should be 1 1/2 reales for under -1/2 oz; contents referring to large shipment of silver.


Feb 16, 1816


Ignacio Perez de Soto


Afinsa Oct 12, 2000 Lot 250

Siegel Dec 4, 2018  Lot 1506






Dated folded letter with straight line PANAMÁ handstamp in red, postmark used from 1807 to the late 1820s. From Panama to Lima, Peru, manuscript "Par la Bot Abarcal." With manuscript 4 reales rating for a double letter up to 1 1/2 ounces.


Nov 19, 1816


Pedro Villa y Juan Suero


Soler y Llach

Oct 12, 2000

Lot 250

Siegel Dec 4, 2018 

Lot 1507






Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ on folded letter to Jose Antonio Errea, Lima (Peru) m.s. "4" (reales) rate, FINE strike, January (Enero) 12, 1818.

Jan 12, 1818


Antonio Errea




8 Sep 2003

lot 2949157712





Via Panamá, Entire letter from Lima to Cadiz, sent by ship to Panamá and thence across the isthmus and mailed with superb strike of PANAMÁ in red, thence on to Cadiz (normally the route was via Cuba at this date). Handstruck 1o.R. (Reales) charge marking applied on arrival in Spain in red. The 10 reales due marking would indicate this letter was treated as a second weight letter from Panama rather than from Peru.

Sep 9, 1819


Pedro Buliente


Soler y Llach

Feb 15, 1995

Lot 1936


Galeria Filatelica of Barcelona

29 June 2004

lot 1035



Feb 27, 2013

Lot 4304


Siegel Dec 4, 2018 

Lot 1509





Prestamp: E.L. from Panama to Lima endorsed "Bergn. Pelican" with fine straight line PANAMÁ in red m.s. "4" reales rate. Endorsed as sent on 17 August and received on 6 October.

Aug 17, 1819


Manuel Ignacio de Santiago


Brian Moorhouse


April 2012

lot PA/16866/C





Panama to Madrid, Spain.  PANAMÁ straight line postmark on entire folded letter, rated 7R (Reales) upon arrival in Spain.


Mar 6, 1820


Ignacio Perez de Soto


Soler & Llach


8 May 2000

lot 2766


Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ FRANCA on folded letter to Camilo Torres, Santa Fe, 2 Diciembre 1808.  Addressed to Camilo Torres who was the leader of the Revolutionary Forces and was elected President of United Provinces of Nueva Granada in 1815.

Dec 2, 1808


Camilo Torres

Santa Fe

Soler y Llach Jun 19, 1991 Lot 4420

Soler y Llach Mar 10, 1998 Lot 2035

Siegel Dec 4, 2018 Lot 1504





Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ on 30 Octubre, 1812.

Al Muy Ilustre Cabildo y Regimiento de la ciudad de Guatemala. Manuscrito 17 reales


Oct 30, 1812


Al Muy Ilustre Cabildo y Regimiento de la ciudad de Guatemala


Private Sale







Private mail, Earliest known letter from Chagres, Panama.

Entire letter written from Chagres near Panamá, addressed to Robert Hodgson "if he should stop at Corn Islands" (off the Nicaraguan coast). Without postal markings, but interesting letter in English: "Dear Bob, If this finds you at Corn Islands you will of course see what I write to Capt. Rose or any other Captain that may come there on my account. I am now going to Guatemala on a very good footing, and in a very few months shall be at the above Islands where I think you had better stay and receive some Robinson Crusoe education till you hear from me again. You will of course take under your care all our property, Negroes etc., that is on the Islands...The negro woman Nancy will show you two papers she has got and will tell you the characters of anybody almost that comes her way. You may be sure of better days...Chagres Dec 1, 1790". An extraordinary entire and the earliest known from Chagres.

Eventhough it does not have any Post Office markings it is a letter that was written in Chagres and sent by private mail  to Corn Island located off the coast of Nicaragua, near Bluefields.

Nov 29, 1790


Corn Island


Feb 27, 2013

lot 4303



Dec 4, 2018

Lot 1502




Panama to Madrid, Spain.  PANAMÁ straight line postmark on entire folded letter, manuscript 7R (Reales) rate upon arrival in Spain.



Blas de Lamola




Dec 17, 2001

Lot 2869






Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ FRANCA on folded letter to Licenciado Dr Gabriel, Fuenterravia, Spain, Feb 12, 1805. In its content th uncle asks his nephew about Europe.




Gabriel Antonio Zuzuárregui


Soler y Llach


Lot 1358

Oct 29, 2014





Other Marking Red Straight Line h.s. SANTA FE. Bold and clear strike of red straightline handstamp on small folded letter datelined in Portovelo addressed to Azpeitia, Spain, rated "6rs" reales for unpaid single letter rate.

Dec 4, 1804


Azpetia, España


Siegel Dec 4, 2018 Lot 1503






Dated folded letter with perfect straight line PANAMÁ handstamp in red, postmark used from 1807 to the late 1820s. datelined May 6, 1819 from Panama to Lima, Peru, manuscript "Paquebot Correo Y"


May 6, 1819


Sr Don Manuel Santiago




Siegel Dec 4, 2018 

Lot 1508







Other Marking 1817, June 17. Entire letter from Panama to Cadiz (Spain), endorsed “1a via,” with a deep slit for disinfection, handstamped in transit at Havana(Cuba) with “Islas De/Barlovento” two lines (P.E. 33), charged with 5R”  receiving marking corresponding to an unpaid single weight. The only cover recorded, emanating from Panama, exhibiting any of the extensively used “Islas De Barlovento” postmarks.

This usage is further enhanced by representing one of only about five items known with this handstamp being struck in black at Havana, either on dispatch or in transit.

Jun 17, 1817


Ignacio Perez de Soto



31 May 2017 Lot 203

In 1717, the Viceroyalty of New Granada (northern South America) was created in response to other Europeans trying to take Spanish territory in the Caribbean region. In the reinstatement of the Viceroyalty of New Granada in 1739, the territories of the Royal Audience of Panama are added. The Isthmus of Panama was placed under its jurisdiction. But the remoteness of New Granada's capital Santa Fe de Bogotá proved a greater obstacle than the Spanish crown anticipated as the authority of the new Viceroyalty was contested by the seniority, closer proximity, previous ties to the Viceroyalty of Peru in Lima and even Panama's own initiative. The Royal Decree of 6 August 1764 by King Carlos III established the new rules for mail in all Spanish colonies, and corresponding postmarks were introduce to denote the provenance of the mail. This uneasy relationship between Panama and Bogotá would persist for a century and lasted until November 28, 1821 when Panama got independence from Spain and joined to the Republic of Colombia.

If we consider only the material available for private collectors, and not the letters preserved by national archives in Spain and America, not many folded letters/covers for this period have survived. Four classes of mail service were offered, paid letters, unpaid letters and official mail. The earliest colonial markings were hand stamps for the town name usually a port name
PANAMÁ or PORTVLO, FRANCO or FRANCA (paid). There is one known private mail from Chagres, Panama, one from Portovelo with SANTA FE, one from Panama to Cadiz 5R.

Via Panamá: Four known covers, three through Panama and one through Portovelo two of them to Lima seem to have come from the same sender and on the same date 19 Nov, 1811; one from Venezuela to Guatemala, and Lima to Cadiz.
From Panama to Popayan 1, Antioquia 1, Cartagena 2, Santa Fe 5, Lima 7, Cadiz 1, Fuenterravia 2, Madrid 2, Guayaquil 2, Guatemala 1 and Havana 1.
By country Colombia 9, Peru 7, Spain 5, Ecuador 2, Guatemala 1 and Cuba 1.
From Portovelo (Colon) to Panama 1
From Chagres to Nicaragua 1 privately
Other Markings: From Portovelo with SANTA FE and the other from Panama to Cadiz with 5R












1815:  FINE strike in red straight-line h.s. PANAMÁ/FRANCA on folded letter to Licenciado D. Gabriel Antonio Zuzuárregui to Fuenterravia, Spain. m.s. "X" with no rate and m.s. "España." From its content, dated Sep 30 de 1815 and originating in Panama where his uncle answers his nephews 13 de Abril letter.


Sep 30, 1815


Licenciado D. Gabriel Antonio Zuzuárregui

Soler & Llach

27 Oct 2020 Lot 408



Red Straight Line h.s. PANAMÁ FRANCA on folded letter to Camilo Torres, Santa Fe, 28 de Noviembre del1808.  Addressed to Camilo Torres who was the leader of the Revolutionary Forces and was elected President of United Provinces of Nueva Granada in 1815.

Nov 28, 1808


Camilo Torres

Santa Fe


Jan 25, 2021

Lot 4304






Panama to Popayan FRANCA Distance 366 Leagues (2040 Km), Postal rate 4 reales for a single letter between 301 and 400 Leagues.


ca 1800


Del Tesorero del Papel Sellado en Panama.


Popayan, Colombia






Entire letter endorsed at lower left "Par La Boat Diamante," written from Panamá to Lima, Peru and rated "4" reales in manuscript at top. Fainted strike of PANAMÁ (Tizon 2 = RR) with the entire stating debt payment, with "Por Guayaquil" Manuscript in the middle.


Nov 24, 1816


Pedro Villa y Juan Suero









Colonial entire letter prepaid from Panama to Cartagena, struck with partially framed "PANAMÁ." handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 2 = RR) and straight line "FRANCA." in red and on top a wonderful strike of "VYVA FERNANDO 7" patriotic hand-stamp (in support of the Spanish King Ferdinand VII deposed by Napoleon Bonaparte in May 1808) also in red (Tizón fig. 3 = EXT). Rated '2' silver reales prepaid to destination. A marvelous entire of great rarity - Dr. Hugo Goeggel's collection contained an unpaid cover. "VYVA FERNANDO 7" one of two known marks with an arbitrary orthography including a "Y" in VIVA.

May 20, 1810


A Don Ignacio Peres de Soto al Comercio



Jun 7, 2021

lot 277





Panama to Lima.  Letter with a very interesting context about the gold extraction rights in this province.  Straight Line PANAMÁ dessinfected, spots produced by the vinager used for the desinfectation.  With manuscript 4 (reales) rating.


Oct 7, 1816


Mario de Guisasola


Soler & Llach


8 May 2000

lot 2765